What Are The Best Treatments For Acne?

What Are The Best Treatments For Acne?

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Acne is a skin condition that causes inflammation, pus-filled spots and potential scarring of the skin. It’s a common problem here in the UK, with the British Medical Journal estimating that up to 80% of the population are affected in their lifetime. But, thankfully, there’s help available. Today, we’ll talk through symptoms of acne, possible treatments and lifestyle changes that could help your skin for the future.

How do I know if I have acne?

Acne presents as various types of spot, typically found on the face, back or chest. These include:

- Blackheads: yellow/black lumps and bumps

- Whiteheads: firmer than blackheads and not containing pus

- Papules: red bumps that can be sore

- Pustules: pus-filled spots with a white tip

- Nodules: painful, hard lumps under the skin

- Cysts: large, pus-filled lumps similar to boils

Whatever the case, your skin may feel tender, hot or greasy.

What causes acne?

It's often thought that hormonal changes are the cause, with spots common in teens and common among pregnant, menstruating or menopausal women. However, spots can develop at any age, and some dermatologists believe there's a genetic link with acne running in families.

What about acne treatment?

Acne treatment can be grouped into the following:

- Pharmaceutical creams and gels

- Medicines and antibiotics

- Aesthetic treatments (typically for scarring)

Of these, prescription medicines may be advised by your dermatologist. These could include gels, tablets or creams, and a combination of medicines might be suggested.

Why have acne treatment?

Acne may not always improve on its own and it can be extremely difficult for sufferers to manage their condition. Spots can affect people’s confidence and mental wellbeing, and acne can also worsen and lead to scarring of the skin. Seeking help from a dermatologist early can mean all the difference to your skin – and your self-esteem.

What’s involved in acne treatment?

You’ll first attend a consultation to look into your medical history, get a picture of your condition and see if you’ve had previous treatment (and what might have worked before). Next, our dermatologists will recommend an appropriate treatment, explain its risks and benefits, and prescribe accordingly. Finally, you’ll be advised on when your dermatologist will need to see you again to ensure your treatment is working.

How do I book with your skin clinic?

It’s simple. Visit our contact page, where you’ll find all the details for our skin clinic here in Rickmansworth. We look forward to seeing you soon.